How do i set automatic restarts on my server?

To create an automatic restart/reboot for your server, we will need to create two scheduled tasks. One to stop the server, and then one to restart. Please see below for details.

To create a schedule, please click 'Schedules' in your VillagerHost control panel, as shown below.

For the names, you can name this whatever you wish. For reference, we would suggest naming them both start and stop.

For the time, this will be the time you want the task to occur. Note this is set to the BST Timezone, so if you are in another region, please take this into consideration.

For the task itself, please follow the screenshots below.  

Stop Schedule

Start Schedule


You should now have two tasks, one for stopping the server, and once for starting it. Still stuck? Please create a support ticket and we will be more than happy to assist!

  • how, to, set, restarts, scheduled, tasks, server, schedule, stop, start, task, reboot
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